clipboard package

This package allows to access the system clipboard on Android and Windows. It currently only supports text. If you want to work with binary content, you might want to use base64 encoding.


from tatogalib.system.clipboard import Clipboard

cb = Clipboard.get_clipboard()
cb.set_text("Text to be copied into the clipboard")
clip_text = cb.get_text()

Clipboard class

class tatogalib.system.clipboard.Clipboard(fnLog=None)

Clears the clipboard content

classmethod get_clipboard(fnLog=None)

Use this class method to get access to the system clipboard. Do not use the class constructor because Clipboard is a singleton.


fnLog (callable) – The callable which is called from the log method. It expects a string parameter


Get the text data currently stored in the clipboard


The clipboard text data or None

Return type:

str or None


Logs a message to the user code if fnLog was passed to the constructor


message (str) – The message to be logged


Put text data into the clipboard :param text: The text to put into the clipboard. Use None to clear the clipboard