taRadiusSrv history
version 2.4 (07.09.2017
- New: now supports RADIUS accounting
- Modified: the monitor user has been renamed to _monitor
version 2.3 (30.10.2010)
- Modified: Better multi-threading behaviour (synchronized db access)
- Modified: Admin password is now stored inside the user database (user _admin)
- Modified: The database encryption has been changed.
version 2.2 (14.01.2010)
- New: Framed-IP-Address can now be defined for each user.
- New: User list can now be exported to tab-delimited file.
- New: Time-limited eval licenses are now available
- Modified: Admin-only mode now also works if there is no valid license.
- Modified: Time Format changed from yyyy_MM_dd HH:mm:ss to yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
- Modified: Some Info MessageBoxes replaced by FlashMessages
- Bugfix: Status line was incorrect in admin-only mode. Fixed now.
version 2.1.8 (28.12.2009)
- Bugfix: On some platforms, alert messages were not sent. Fixed now.
- Modified: More debug messages.
- Bugfix: Layout of admin GUI corrected.
version 2.1.7 (15.11.2009)
- Modified: New build with the latest libraries.
version 2.1.6 (21.08.2009)
- New: Multi-language support. German and English included, other languages can be added by customer.
- New: Console mode for systems without GUI.
- New: Admin-only mode that allows administration of the server from a Windows PC
- New: System documentation can now be viewed directly from the Administration screen.
- New: Remark field to store remarks for users and clients
- New: There is now a proper way to stop the server if the main GUI is not accessible (e.g. when running as Linux daemon)
- New: Linux signals to stop the server are now caught and the server shuts down properly if given enough time.
- Modified: Better debug support
- Modified: Request handling is now multi-threaded
- Modified: HTML log is automatically refreshed every minute (instead of after a new request)
- Modified: The included RADIUS client software can be used for automated requests, manual RADIUS requests and manual taStrongSudo requests.
version 2.0.1 (18.10.2007)
This is the first release that is based on the Eve VM. The predecessor version 1.6.1 was based on the no longer supported Ewe VM.
- Modified: Times are now stored as EncodedTimes in the user database.
- New: Now runs under the Eve VM
version 1.6.1 (22.08.2006)
- Modified: Now uses RadiusAttribute v1.0 and RadiusPacket v1.2
- New: Admin auto logout after idle timeout of 5 minutes
- New: Whenever a request is accepted, the taRadiusSrv-Accept.cmd script is called.
- New: taStrongSudo support: RADIUS vendor specific attribute (26) is passed to taRadiusSrv-Accept.cmd script
- Modified: Moved taRadiusSrv.license to subdirectory data
- Modified: Moved taRadiusSrv.settings to subdirectory data
- Modified: Moved taRadiusSrv-Alert.cmd to subdirectory data
- Modified: Moved taRadiusSrv-Accept.cmd to subdirectory data
- Modified: Moved taRadiusSrv-SendTokenX.cmd to subdirectory data
- Modified: Moved database files to subdirectory data
- Modified: Moved log file to subdirectory data
- Bugfix: The last login date is no longer set to NULL when a user is edited. It is only set to NULL when a user is renamed.
version 1.5.2 (01.06.2006)
- New: Completely new admin GUI
- New: New RADIUS test client with GUI and commandline interface
- New: Under Linux, server now monitors proper execution of the scripts
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug under Linux that caused zombie processes upon script execution.
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug in taGridTableModel when clicking in canvas around Table.