Installing 'Tanapro Radius Server' on Synology NAS

  1. Install Java package:
    currently supported packages: 'Synology Java 8', 'Synology Java 7', 'JavaManager for Java 7' and 'Java SE Embedded 7'
  2. Create shared folder taRadiusSrv on volume1 (give access only to admin!)
  3. Install 'Tanapro Radius Server' package
  4. Stop the server. This will mount the application folder on \\yourNAS\taRadiusSrv\configuration
  5. Connect as admin to folder \\yourNAS\taRadiusSrv, change to directory configuration from your Windows PC and start start-admin-gui.bat
  6. Configure the server settings
  7. Configure the RADIUS clients
  8. Configure the users
  9. Quit the admin GUI
  10. Customize the scripts in the data subdirectory, especially the mail settings (not supported in the free version)
    Make sure you save the scripts in Linux format (new lines with LF only) !
  11. If you bought a PRO license (to add 2-factor-authentication), backup the old license file (taRadiusSrv.license) and copy the new license file to the data subdirectory
  12. Disconnect the configuration folder
  13. Go to the NAS Settings / Firewall and allow the defined Radius ports
  14. Start taRadiusSrv

The free version of Tanapro Radius Server is limited to 5 users and does not support 2-factor-authentification and no StrongSudo feature. You can add these features by contacting Tanapro and buying a PRO license.

Upgrading 'Tanapro Radius Server' on Synology NAS

  1. If you have a PRO license, make sure you get a new license file for the new software version from Tanapro
  2. Stop taRadiusSrv
  3. Manually install the package
  4. The current data in taRadiusSrv/data and taRadiusSrv/html will be backed up to the home folder of the admin user and after the package update, it will be restored to the package area
  5. Make a backup of your old license file and then copy the new license file to the 'data' subdirectory
  6. Start taRadiusSrv

For more information see the technical documentation

Using VPN Server with Radius authentication

  1. Install the Synology VPN Server package
  2. Connect with ssh and login as admin
  3. Become root with sudo su root
  4. Make a copy of the /var/packages/VPNCenter/target/etc/openvpn/radiusplugin.cnf file
  5. Edit the radiusplugin.cnf file and define the IP address, the shared secret and ports you defined in the Radius Server
  6. Make sure, the RADIUS accounting is activated on taRadiusSrv because accounting is required by VPN Server
  7. Restart the VPN Server


Using WebDAV with Radius authentication

coming soon...