taSOAPClientCL v1.1
What is taSOAPClientCL ?
This freeware application is a simple generic commandline SOAP client.
For more sophisticated features try our taSOAPclient GUI application.
taSOAPClientCL is based on the Eve VM 1.32 ( http://www.ewesoft.com) and has following features:
- Runs on Win32 systems without any additional DLLs.
- Allows to send SOAP requests to http or https web services. On https connections, the certificate is not verified, though.
- Supports Basic Authorization
Use: taSOAPClientCL <-H host> <-F file> [-A action] [<-U user> <-P pw>] host: http or https URL to the webservice endpoint file: XML file containing the webservice request action: optional SOAPaction to pass to the service user: optional username for Basic Authorization pw: optional password for Basic Authorization Example: taSOAPClientCL -H http://www.webservicex.net/globalweather.asmx -F GetWeather.xml -A http://www.webserviceX.NET/GetWeather