The new version 5.4.0 of WebserviceTool (deskop) is now available and offers following new features:
- New: Support for the NTLM authentication
- New: Added method ApiRequest.fillInputFields
- New: added method NanoXmlUtils.getElementsByChildName
- New: With API.guiGetUserInput, the developer can define a GUI, where the user can enter data which can then be used in scripts
- New: In request files, the attribute wst_isPassword can be used to define that the content should be cloaked in the GUI (with *)
- New: In request files, the attribute wst_isEncrypted can be used to define that the content is encrypted
- New: Scripts can be edited from the GUI
- New: ApiTextTab.fnAppend now also with takeFocus parameter
- New: Find and replace function
- New: Find now also works for the ID attribute
- Bugfix: Several bugfixes