tanapro Strong Sudo Client is a freeware add-on to the tanapro RADIUS Server. With this client you can send a command which will be executed by the server after successful authentication. taStrongSudo

taStrongSudo v1.1.1

sudo is a well known Unix tool that allows a normal user to execute certain commands that require administrative rights. taStrongSudo does the same but adds strong user authentication and remote capability (no shell access needed due to UDP socket communication). It is an add-on to Tanapro's strong authentication RADIUS server taRadiusSrv (http://www.tanapro.ch) v1.6 or higher. taStrongSudo allows to send a command and parameters which are executed by taRadiusSrv (by calling taRadiusSrv-Accept.cmd) if the authentication succeeds.
Following features are supported:

  • Runs under Windows and Linux
  • Multi-lingual Graphical User Interface (GUI)
  • Authentication parameters (except password of course) can be passed on the commandline
  • PAP authentication
  • Debug mode


The program is written in Ewe ( http://www.ewesoft.com) and therefore needs the Ewe VM.

  1. Download and install the Ewe VM
  2. Unzip the files in taStrongSudo.zip to any directory of your choice
  3. Configure the available commands by adding them (1 command per line) to taStrongSudo.commands which must be in the same directory as taStrongSudo.ewe

Graphical interface

To start the program in graphical mode, enter the following command:

    Ewe taStrongSudo.ewe

Commandline support

Parameters can be passed on the commandline as follows:

    Ewe taStrongSudo.ewe server_address server_port shared_secret username
where server means the RADIUS server.

Additional information